Create with benefit

Helping content creators and makers make money Create account

Receive payments

from all over the world in any currency, also in CRYPTO

I’m Blogger

i’m Developer

i’m Designer

i’m Influencer

i’m Musician

i’m Coach

i’m Streamer

What is is a platform for content creators.

Here, you`ll find everything you need to bring your creative ideas to life: tools for creation, monetization opportunities, as well as support and an audience ready to back you up. Join us and unleash your creativity."


Get tips from worldwide. We support Visa, MasterCard,
Apple / Google Pay & Crypto.

Widgets for streaming

Use interactive widgets for your broadcast. Get messages from your viewers and show it on air. Message moderation tool. Setup sounds, animation, stopwords and many more interactions with viewers.


Create giveaways among your audience or sell sth., using ticket mechanic.


Monthly membership for your biggest fans. Get recurring income by accepting weekly, monthly or yearly membership from your audience. Share exclusive content, or just give them a way to support yours.


Communicate with the audience through messengers. For example, receive tips in Telegram groups or channels.

API & Webhook

Connect to other apps and workflows with our API & Webhooks. Develop your unique solutions according to your needs.

Commuity Page

Create and engage with the community


Other features.

У нас є спеціальна пропозиція for content creators who wish to work as Individual Entrepreneurs

Here`s what we offer:
  • Opening a Merchant ID and joining our service
  • A lower service fee than regular users
  • Priority pending of withdrawal requests from the balance
  • Direct payments to IE bank account
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